Wednesday, March 9, 2016

REVIEW: Super-villain Team-Up #11

Story: Bill Mantlo
Art: Bob Hall
Inking: Don Perlin & Duffy Vohland
Review: Cody "Madman" Miller 

Allegedly my hand broke the sound barrier snatching this bad boy out of dollar box obscurity. Super-Villain Team-Up (S-V T-U) . . . starring none other than Victor Von Doom, PHD and Max Eisenhardt. Speed of light, I’m telling ya . . . allegedly. As fate would have it there are 16 more issues of this comic out there that I must now acquire. S-V T-U people (S-V T-U VVDPHD VS ME)…

[crickets chirping] . . .

Besides, it's a S-V T-U with Marvel's two top contenders for greatest super-villain ever “Go Team” slapping each other’s cape shrouded turd-cutters.

So, yeah, let’s see what all this business is about.

Right off the get-go we have Magneto manhandling his way through a Latverian crowd in the throes of celebration, for the monarch has declared all is well in his kingdom and there are none who would dare say otherwise!
. . . Then along came Magneto, beatin' people down, exploding your oversized Doom statue, etc. and so on. Basically Magneto has some crazy plan as per usual for world domination and he needs the Doctor's help. Instead of just walking up and ringing the door bell or making an appointment with Dr. Doom's secretary (he has to have one, right?) Magneto blazes a trail of utter destruction and crashes through a window . . .

Lo and behold it’s the exact window wherein the good doctor is playing with his action figures.
As it turns out they’re not action figures but chess pieces of pretty much every major Marvel baller. The whole page is just awesome. I'd pay him good money for that Spider-Man piece . . . and Stiltman, I hear he was a rare hard-to-find limited edition . . .


Magneto crashes through the window and delivers his devious plan for world domination to Dr. Doom and the doctor literally laughs. Doom goes on to reveal his neuro-canisters whose gaseous contents have already been released into the atmosphere making every living thing his unconscious servant. He takes control of Magneto's body and toys with him a bit. Then Doom slips Magneto a roofie/neuro-gas and he passes out. Turns out Doom is bored, really bored, and frees Magneto's mind free and waits for fun to come to him.

Magneto heads straight to the Avengers for help. Of course, Doom controls the Avengers, and they have to battle it out for a few pages before things calm down. Magneto gets to pick one of the heroes for Doom to set free and he picks that vital X-Man, the Beast. The new besties are making their escape to an unknown location to do God knows what, and they must have made a wrong turn or something because they fly right past the Champion's building and are immediately swarmed by the Champions. 
Good stuff.

This book was super fun and totally worth the hard earned dollar. The artwork was really good in spots and awkward in others, but other then that I have to pat myself on the back for another awesome dolla box score.

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