Wednesday, December 21, 2016

REVIEW: X-Force #2

Writers: Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld
Penciler: Rob Liefeld
Inker: Rob Liefeld
Colorist: Brad Vancata
Cover: Rob Liefeld
Review: Madman

I’m not an X-Force fan. I have at maximum no more then two issues of anything X-Force related. I just don’t care. I knew when I bought this issue there would be a 99% chance I would hate this comic; there’s just that much meh oozing from out.

If you couldn’t spy his handiwork from a mile away or you didn’t see his name a half-million times in the credits, Rob Liefeld is all over this thing, and it reeks of 90’s glam rockers with disproportionate biceps and no feet. I can’t stand this guys work…zero, none, I’d rather eat 100 of his panels then read a comic this guy drew during the 90’s. AND…it gets much, much worse when it comes to the eye candy as Brad Vancata’s colors make Liefeld’s crap pencils much, much worse. At points the colors become almost blinding neon. No one wants blinding neon comics…except maybe Evil Ernie fans but they’re definitely not right in the head. I bet after Liefeld handed Vancata the pages, he looked at them and probably realized he couldn’t actually make them look any worse, spent 15 minutes on them with his Bedazzler set on rabbit rabbit, and handed that shit right back. I’m not kidding. I’d almost rather look at Death Moth than this issue again.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

REVIEW: Avengers #315

Writer: John Byrne
Artists: Paul Ryan & Tom Palmer
Review: Will Dubbeld

Dropping somewhere in between "Acts of Vengeance" and "Operation: Galactic Storm" fell Avengers #315. I'm moderately and admittedly sparse on stretches of Avengers lore, and this issue is no exception. We can rap about the "Pacific Overlords" arc of West Coast Avengers all day long, or the oft-maligned (but one of my personal favorites) leather jacket era, but not so much the early '90s stories.

Which may be a bit of a blessing...

Let's go ahead and, in this instance I think it's okay, judge a book by its cover.

1)Guest starring the Amazing Spider-Man! Nice, a good Spidey guest spot never hurts.
2)Captain America, Thor, and Sersi. Cap's one of my favorites, I've always gotten a kick out of Thor, and Sersi is a crazy-powerful, underrated Avenger. So far, so good.
1)Hoo boy. Per the cover, "The enemy revealed--while a universe trembles!"
And by revealed, we mean That Gratuitous Ass Shot. Seriously. I love some cheesecake but I'm not entirely sure an Avengers cover is the right venue.
2)Pirate Jarvis?        

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

REVIEW: Green Arrow #16 (vol 3)

Writer: Brad Meltzer
Pencils: Phil Hester
Inker: Ande Parks
Colorist: James Sinclair
Letterer: Sean Konot
Review: Art Bee

As I have said before DC has never really been my cup of tea (the exception would be the villains of Batman, for they have always been just the best villains of all time). Earlier this year I started watching Arrow on Netflix and have recently gotten caught up with the series, which I find phenomenal. So for this weeks’ Dollar Box pull I thumbed through the back issue box of Green Arrow at my LCS for one to review and came up with Green Arrow #16.

The cover of the comic was not spectacular looking, but the headstone featured has a very intriguing epitaph: “Oliver Queen – Always Made the Right Enemies”.  Having not read a single
Green Arrow issue in my life, this cover told me a lot about the book right away. Apparently Oliver Queen either died or had something happen leading everyone to believe he was dead.