Wednesday, December 21, 2016

REVIEW: X-Force #2

Writers: Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld
Penciler: Rob Liefeld
Inker: Rob Liefeld
Colorist: Brad Vancata
Cover: Rob Liefeld
Review: Madman

I’m not an X-Force fan. I have at maximum no more then two issues of anything X-Force related. I just don’t care. I knew when I bought this issue there would be a 99% chance I would hate this comic; there’s just that much meh oozing from out.

If you couldn’t spy his handiwork from a mile away or you didn’t see his name a half-million times in the credits, Rob Liefeld is all over this thing, and it reeks of 90’s glam rockers with disproportionate biceps and no feet. I can’t stand this guys work…zero, none, I’d rather eat 100 of his panels then read a comic this guy drew during the 90’s. AND…it gets much, much worse when it comes to the eye candy as Brad Vancata’s colors make Liefeld’s crap pencils much, much worse. At points the colors become almost blinding neon. No one wants blinding neon comics…except maybe Evil Ernie fans but they’re definitely not right in the head. I bet after Liefeld handed Vancata the pages, he looked at them and probably realized he couldn’t actually make them look any worse, spent 15 minutes on them with his Bedazzler set on rabbit rabbit, and handed that shit right back. I’m not kidding. I’d almost rather look at Death Moth than this issue again.

Like I said, I don’t give a flip about the writing. You couldn’t force me to care about anything other then the first five pages and the very last page. I suppose you’re wondering why I bought an issue of a comic that I knew I’d hate, and it’s a pretty simple answer really…
X-Force #2 is the 2nd appearance of one of my favorite antiheros…none other than the Merc with the Mouth, Deadpool himself. That’s it, the only reason. He only appears on the first five pages of the comic, but it’s still his 2nd appearance. Deadpool gets beat down by Weapon X and shot by G.W. Bridge, then teleports away. That’s it. Then the comic sucks all the way up until Juggernaut teleports in from somewhere on the last page. That’s it. Teleports in, then it’s over, but thank God. Because, man, is it painful to the eye.

Cable and X-Force are in this issue, too, but it doesn’t matter. Props to Liefeld for creating Deadpool, but please, please someone take the crayons away from this guy before he hurts someone.

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