Wednesday, January 11, 2017

REVIEW: Marvel Team-Up #37 Featuring: Spider-Man and Man-Wolf

Writer: Gerry Conway
Pencils: Sal Buscema
Inks: Vince Colletta
Colors: Phil Rache
Review: Cody "Madman" Miller

I just caught myself up on the current run of the Carnage book (which has been decent) and Man-wolf is involved in the hunt for Cletus Kasady. Eddie Brock has taken up as host for the Anti-Venom symbiote (which is neat) and Brock, Man-Wolf, and some S.H.I.E.L.D agents have teamed up to foil good old Cletus’ plan and ruin Carnage’s day.

 I, until recently, always considered Man-Wolf as a sort of throw-away, “who cares?”, kind of character. For a Spider-Man nut that was probably blasphemy on some level. I mean, John Jameson was there for The Amazing Spider-Man #1, and he’s Spidey’s archenemy JJJ’s astronaut son.

That’s how the JJJ III transformation into Man-Wolf space…
Specifically, on the Moon where John found some gemstone, took it home and made it into a necklace. The moon gem reacts with the lunar luminescence during a full moon and BLAM! Man-Wolf. The modern version of Man-Wolf is a badass, and I’m really digging him now.

 I started thinking about revisiting some old issues of Spider-Man what-have-you and Fate answered the call last weekend at the local dirt-mall. I stumbled upon this very issue and a handful of other OG Marvel treasures that I HAD to rescue.

 I love it when a plan comes together.
 And if that wasn’t awesome enough, it’s not actually Man-Wolf that teams up with Spidey in this issue. it’s Frankenstein’s Monster (whom Spidey loving calls Franky)!!! Forget about it; take my dollar. It’s Spidey and Franky vs. Baron Von Shtumpf, who is trying to control Man-wolf, but fails. Man-Wolf runs off with some female S.H.I.E.L.D agent he has decided is his mate and in turn his property to protect. My new favorite tag-team take the often crying and whimpering Baron Aka Monster Master(fail) out easily and turn their attention to Man-Wolf. The issue ends with Franky sneaking off into the shadows, Man-Wolf in S.H.I.E.L.D custody, and Spidey on his way home to Aunt May. Over all a fantastic, fun issue in my opinion.

Usually the overall plot in these team-up books is a little throw-away, but I can’t say that about this issue at all. I’m certain that I’ll be hunting down issues #35 and #36 to get the full Spiderstein arc as soon as possible.

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