Thursday, March 23, 2017

REVIEW: Nomad vol2 #1

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciler: S. Clarke Hawbaker
Inker: Mark McKenna
Colorist: Joe Rosas
Review: Madman

Jack Monroe. A failed super soldier. A fallen superhero. A reluctant “father.” Wandering the highways and byways of this vast land, Monroe tries to discover himself by discovering America. Stan Lee presents…a steaming pile of early ‘90s horseshit sandwiched between a classic ‘90’s gimmick fold-out wanted poster for Nomad and an advertisement for Galoob’s Game Genie. I’ve witnessed countless issues of Nomad dying a slow death in various dollar boxes, and now I totally understand why.

Even for a comic book the writing up in this trash heap is absolutely absurd, stiff, and lumbering. Not to mention boring as Hell. I kept asking myself if I was reading it in my early teens, if I would have even liked this book and/or character way back, and I can say with certainty that I would not. I find it hard to believe anyone actually did. Now, I’m not a Fabian Nicieza super-fan by any means. Thank you for your run on New Warriors. Thank you for being a part of the birth of Deadpool. Other than that I judge Mr. Nicieza on this book alone and, well…    

If you think I’m being overly harsh or judgmental, well, you obviously never read this petrified dog turd. Now, the writing is only half as bad as the artwork throughout…every single panel on every single page just plain sucks. It bleeds ‘90’s from the Fabio-like full-bodied flowing brown locks to the baby strapped to Jack’s back. That’s right…everywhere Nomad goes he has a baby strapped to his back…
Stopping a convenience store robbery…zip lining from rooftop to rooftop, battling some lame-ass kung fu master…the baby is strapped to his back.

All I knew about the Nomad character going in was that he had something to do with Captain America. Now that I know Jack Monroe was actually the third guy to wear the Nomad mantle AND Mr. Monroe was the third Captain America sidekick wearing the “Bucky” nametag. SOOO…I appreciate the fact  Mr. Nicieza took a bunch of characters no one cared about and gave us the New Warriors... BUT he failed miserably breathing life into this Nomad character, I don’t care what decade.

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