Thursday, May 11, 2017

REVIEW: What If? Vol. 1 #37

Review: Madman

“What If The Thing Had Continued To Mutate?”

Scripter: Tom DeFalco
Finish Artist: Sam De La Rosa
Colorist: Dave Billman

Oh, yeah, that 35 year old comic smell. Ya just can’t beat it…except maybe with a 35-year old What If? comic. The cover alone is worth the crumpled up Washington I forked over for the book, with the super beastly Beast, bulked up Thing, and the Silver Surfer with a crotch so shiny that it should probably be illegal…
I guess the smell was free…

The first little story involves the Thing and what occurred when he was infected with a newly developed highly  radioactive strain of virus as seen in Marvel Two-In-One #81. The 2nd page really delivers with the renegade A.I.M. scientist that we know and love as M.O.D.O.K. holding the Thing prisoner and infecting him with his mysterious Virus X. Giant-Man eventually uses some sort of Anti-Radiation gun to cure Ben of the virus but “What If?” it didn’t go down like that. In this alternate reality the Thing is mutated even further by the virus into an even uglier, rockier, two fingered rock beast and…crashes his scooter. With the help of Captain America and Giant-Man, the Fantastic Four get Ben back to the Baxter Building just as the virus’ effects reach critical mass, and Ben explodes in a green radiation fog. Instead of him being blown into a million little pebbles, the explosion burns all the radiation out of his body. This included the original cosmic radiation that had infected him that fateful day when the Fantastic Four were originally irradiated. Ben is 100% radiation-free and reverts back to his uncool human self. I’m so glad this didn’t really go down, because I’m a big fan of the orange rock dude.  

“What If The Beast Had Truly Become A Beast”

Scripter/Colorist: Alan Weiss
Inker/Colorist: Jim Sherman

In this wondrous adventure when the Beast drinks the ever-fateful potion that transforms Hank McCoy into the lovable blue beast, it not only alters his appearance, but it also strips him of his genius and turns him into a more animalistic version. The story pits him against Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, and Professor X. After a few near misses the X-Men eventually bring the blue guy down, and Angel comes up with a plan. Beast is dropped off with Ka-Zar in the Savage Land to live out his days like a true beast. I have to say the art in this short was at best…not good. In almost every panel Professor X’s head looked like a misshapen deflating pumpkin, and Beast appeared to be suffering from intellectual disability while distressed.

“What If Galactus Had Turned The Silver Surfer Back Into Norrin Radd?”

Scripter: David Anthony Kraft
Penciler: Mike Vossburg
Inker: Steve Mitchell
Colorist: Bob Sharen

Basically, in this short, the Silver Surfer pisses off Galactus, and the World Eater strips away his cosmic surfer powers, transforming him back into a mere mortal. In a twist of irony Galactus transforms the Surfer’s one true love into his new herald, Starglow… That’s where I either fell asleep or just stopped reading because, to be honest, seeing the Surfer transformed into a slack-jawed bald man in green breeches just freaked me right the hell out. The artwork in this one kind of fell flat too in my opinion… I never would have expected the Surfer would be wearing lame green and gold tights under all that bling. Some things you just can’t unsee…

All in all the art work was lacking, even for the good ol’ days, but overall this was a really fun and entertaining read.

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