Wednesday, August 16, 2017

REVIEW: Aquaman Time and Tide #1

Writer: Peter David
Penciler: Kirk Jarvinen
Inks: Brad Vancata
Review: Madman

I have never once in my life opened the cover of an Aquaman book…ever. In fact, I think I readily avoided them. So this is my Aquaman “cherry popping” (as they say) party. Let’s face it, and as previously stated, I don’t have a “pot to piss in” when it comes to Aquaman factoids. Going into this voyage, an unknown frontier, everything I know about Aquaman can be summed up in one sentence… He talks to fish. I don’t think I know even a single Aguaman fan. If I do know anyone who is a fan of the Ocean King, they are way back in the closet and not saying a word to anyone…they admit nothing. Or maybe I’m a deaf, dumb, and blind guy that sucks at pinball. Maybe there is a demand for a superhero that talks to fish…
I mean, Marvel has Namor, not that I read any of his books either, but he’s there.

I remember when my buddy, Dustin, and I used to get our action figure on. It usually depended on whose house we were at as to determine exactly what those action figures would be. My house was where we’d fight for freedom where ever there’s trouble, ‘cause G.I. Joe was there. At Dustin’s house it was always He-Man and JLA. And without fail Aquaman was always the last picked…every damn time. In fact, if Aquaman was on your team you pretty much had to loose UNLESS you were battling in the bathtub…
If you were in the bathtub you still had a chance. It was slim, but it was your only hope. That’s just it, he’s lame.          

This mini-series probably wasn’t the best choice with which to begin, but I found it for a buck an issue with all four present. So here we are. First off, I just have to say I absolutely hate the artwork pretty much throughout the whole issue. I hate most of the artwork from the 90’s. I can’t help it. I’ve tried. Every character in this book looks way too similar. I’d go so far as to say most of DC’s heavy hitters have the exact same facial structure; like it’s just some generic face and body  and they just swap out costumes and hair. I just had a serious blast of déjà vu…weird.
Like I said, I’m not a fan of the artwork, but the writing isn’t bad. I enjoyed the story progression from the gold fish being flushed down the potty until Aquaman punches out the Trickster. It was totally predictable but entertaining nonetheless.

The issue delivers the first meeting between the Flash and Aquaman. I don’t know if this is how it originally happened as far as what’s delivered here, but they join forces to take out the Trickster. It’s a pretty dry team-up if you ask me but, hey, you can’t expect Flash to carry Aquaguy in his own comic. I’m not sure what’s in store for the rest of the series, but I guess we’ll see. To be honest, I don’t think this series will be the end of my exploration of the Aqua-world, but perhaps just the beginning.

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