Wednesday, May 23, 2018

REVIEW: Mephesto Vs. The Fantastic Four

Writer: Al Milgrom
Penciler: John Buscema
Inks: Bob Wiacek
Color: George Roussos
Review: Cody, the Miller’s Son

First off, I have to say: what an amazing cover.
Just looking at it makes my brain beg for the sweet, sweet innards of this funnybook... Well, that and the fact I haven't read a Fantastic Four comic in forever...thanks Marvel!
On that note I'm pretty sure, at least as far as I can remember, One More Day was the last thing I have read involving the Big Red, yeah, I think I'm overdue.

This here issue is the first book of a four issue limited series, but it's a little confusing as to whether or not the Fantastic Four are in the next installment. The lead in to the second issue simply says, "Next issue Mephesto confronts X Factor in: Sympathy for the Devil.”
 I don't know what the hell is going on, but I guarantee I'm going to track down the other three issues and find out. The reason I'm hung up about it is one of the FF members is still trapped in Hell or whatever Marvel calls Mephisto's how does said member get rescued?
Maybe she doesn't; maybe this is just a farcical yarn in which the bad guy wins just for the sake of the bad guy winning?   

[Resisting the urge to GoogleFu it. That would be reason enough for the Lord of Pain, Evil Incarnate, etcetera, etcetera, come snatch me up, and I really don't want that to happen.]

The very vague ending aside, I can't really decide if I liked this book or not. I wanted to, but I just don't know. The clumsy dialogue almost bogs you down at times in contrast to the campy, predictable plotline, with the exception of what happens after the last page. I don't think I've ever heard of Mr. Milgrom before or, if I have read some of his books, they just didn't stand out enough for me to remember his name.

The artwork was classic 80s Marvel, by no means anything at which to turn your nose up. I will say Mephisto doesn't look as cool on the actual pages of book as he does on the cover. In a lot of panels he's drawn in that old school vampire pose with his nose shrouded by his caped elbow (you know what I'm talking about) or has a really dumb expression on his face that one would not think would belong on the, "evilist", dude in the MU.
So, meh, it is what it is.

This issue definitely scratches the Mephisto itch, but if you're looking to scratch your Fantastic Four itch this may not be the book for you...
I mean, The Thing and The Human Torch both drop their catch phrases, but it's not really in a context that's substantial enough to scratch anything less then a superficial itch. And by no means is it a substantial soul-crushing abandonment as we currently find ourselves in thanks to the flapjacks at Marvel.

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